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Michelle Farnill
Jan 24, 20233 min read
New Year but How do You do a New You?
Happy New Year and Happy Lunar New Year!!! Finally we have reached a new calendar year and a new lunar year. I really like Lunar New Year...
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Michelle Farnill
Jul 29, 20213 min read
Is a Crowd Needed for the Ultimate Sporting Performance?
AHHHHH the Olympics!! What a great time to be alive if you love sport. Even more so when it is occurring in a time zone very close to...
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Michelle Farnill
Jun 16, 20213 min read
Women – Dr Sims says you all need to “lift heavy shit”
So without further ado, let’s get into article 3 of this series from the book Roar. Whether you are old, young or somewhere in between,...
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Michelle Farnill
Mar 30, 20214 min read
Women Struggling with Insomnia and Painful Periods – Tips to Help with Recovery
I want to share some information that can help with sleep, recovery and painful periods. This article is part 2 of the information from...
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Michelle Farnill
Mar 1, 20213 min read
Can You Die of a Broken Heart?
“Can you die of a broken heart?” is an interesting question and the name of a book I have read by Dr Nikki Stamp. She is a heart surgeon...
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Michelle Farnill
Feb 2, 20213 min read
Goals Goals Goals
For me goals are really important as they allow me to see where my priorities lie and how I can make progress towards and achieve...
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Michelle Farnill
Aug 11, 20204 min read
Women - lets talk about how carbohydrates are your friend
You train, you get sore muscles, your tired and keep getting these little niggling injuries or inflammation that won’t go away. Yep been...
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Michelle Farnill
Jul 7, 20203 min read
Bowen Therapy: a Master for Pain
I want to do a video about Bowen therapy but I haven’t had the opportunity as of yet. But that’s cool, you can read about it now and in...
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Michelle Farnill
Jun 9, 20204 min read
Mistakes - don't just get over them, grow from them
I made a foolish mistake. Quite an easy mistake but I still thought it was very foolish. And my immediate reaction was “I am an idiot”....
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Michelle Farnill
May 1, 20203 min read
How Sport can Teach us (from my experiences as an umpire)
Most of my clients know I am an international hockey umpire. Wanting to perform for the love of the sport and competition is a connection...
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Michelle Farnill
Mar 20, 20203 min read
Online do they work?
Lets jump straight into… How does it work? It is all about SCIENCE!!! You remember learning about Einstein and E=mc2 but this is...
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Michelle Farnill
Feb 26, 20206 min read
What's in a Cycle and How Can it be More Peaceful?
Men you may or may not want to read this as it contains details about a woman’s menstrual flow. Yes that’s a woman’s period and if you...
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Michelle Farnill
Nov 26, 20194 min read
It’s the Festive Season, But You Aren’t Feeling So Festive: this could be why and tips to help.
I am currently reading a book about grief. I personally have lost my grandma and nan in the last year but this time of year, the supposed...
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Michelle Farnill
Oct 22, 20193 min read
The Science of Acupressure - is it different from Acupuncture?
With the work that I do I have the ability to work with the physical body and create a difference for the whole person, affecting their...
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Michelle Farnill
Sep 17, 20192 min read
Bacteria - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Infections, no one wants them but we all get them. At the beginning of the year I had a really bad one that put me in hospital overnight...
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Michelle Farnill
Aug 20, 20193 min read
What the Hell is Kinesiology?????
It’s a great question! And seriously guys, I get it. I walked out of my first kinesiology session as a client going “what just happened”...
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Michelle Farnill
Jul 23, 20193 min read
Lessons From Pain
I recently read a book all about pain and because it is National Pain Week in Australia I wanted to give you some information about pain...
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Michelle Farnill
Jun 25, 20193 min read
It is Always a Good Time to Have a Massage
I have a 93 year old client who has a massage every fortnight. Yes you read that correctly….93 and FORTNIGHTLY massage. She believes in...
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Michelle Farnill
Jan 24, 20233 min read
New Year but How do You do a New You?
Happy New Year and Happy Lunar New Year!!! Finally we have reached a new calendar year and a new lunar year. I really like Lunar New Year...
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Michelle Farnill
Jul 29, 20213 min read
Is a Crowd Needed for the Ultimate Sporting Performance?
AHHHHH the Olympics!! What a great time to be alive if you love sport. Even more so when it is occurring in a time zone very close to...
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